A Preview of Friday's Football Broadcast - Foran at Guilford 6:45pm on 960AM, 96.9FM WELI & iheartradio; you can watch the game on the 960WELI.com Website.
Another huge matchup in HS Football - 2 good teams with Postseason Aspirations - Foran(7-0) the #3 seed in Class SS; Guilford(5-2) the #8 seed in Class MM
Guilford is coached by Anthony Salvati and Foran is coached by Tom Drew.
Guilford has already knocked 1 team from the ranks of the undefeated - Jonathan Law - 2 weeks ago
Can the Grizzlies knock the Lions from the unbeaten ranks?
I'm sure they will be pumped up especially playing at Home
Looking forward to this one - Let's find out together
Foran - Guilford join me 6:45pm
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