A Preview of Saturday's Broadcast - Hockey - Sheehan at Guilford 2:25pm on 960AM, 96.9FM WELI & iheartradio; you can also watch the game on the 960WELI.com Website
Sheehan(9-1) , the Titans have another great year going - their only loss - to intra-city rival Lyman Hall and they will play them again
Guilford(4-5) , comes off a nice 6-3 win over Amity
Dave Festa coaches Sheehan and Ralph Russo coaches Guilford
The game is at the Bennett Rink in West Haven, which automatically means we're in store for another dandy.
Join me 2:25pm
Titans - Grizzlies
Can the Grizzlies stop the Titan express
Photo taken by Brian Goralnik SHA Basketball player Sydney Rossacci