I think I might have hailed the CIAC too soon. I hope not.
The CIAC has paused all Fall activities for the week of August 17th until August 24th. The CIAC will meet with the DPH to discuss its recommendations. Their recommendation was to move Football and Girls Volleyball to the Spring.
3 seasons in 6 months, all with shortened seasons I'm sure. I guess at this point, I can honestly say I don't know.
I know what the DPH has said. But has High School Football in Connecticut caused COVID-19. I don't think so.
Again I say, the CIAC came out with a Plan - a good Plan, one that was well thought out. Isn't it worth it to give this Plan a try. The kids must feel they're on a Merry-Go-Round. We're practicing, now we're on a pause - what next
Several coaches that I have talked to agree with me. They applauded the CIAC's decision to move forward with Fall Sports. Connecticut continues to do well with containing this Virus - follow the Plan - the coaches know what to do.
I know a couple of cities have opted out of playing Fall Sports(I believe New Haven and Bridgeport) and I feel bad for those athletes who will not be able to play. But it is the school system's right to do this. However. beacuse they opt out, we cannot cancel it for everyone else.
If we all work together - we can beat this. I like aggressiveness, not passiveness. (are they words)
Stay strong CIAC, stay strong and let's move forward.
Photo credit to Getty Images