A family trip to the Surf Club in Madison on Tuesday to watch the finish of the suspended game between Westport and Madison.
Westport won the game 3-0 in a game that featured 6 hits between the 2 teams. Chris Kennedy was the winning pitcher and had a single and rbi himself. John Gratz had a single and rbi as well for Westport.
Many of the Junior and Senior Games were postponed until Wednesday.
Senior Legion Score Washington 4 Greenwich 3(Greenwich is eliminated)
Junior Legion Score Orange 4 Greenwich 0
Little League Softball(11-12) Eastern Regionals in Bristol
Milford 12 New York 10(7)
Junior League Softball(13-14) Eastern Regionals in Orange
Conn.(Fairfield) 9 New Jersey 2
Delaware 15 Milford/West Haven 0
Wednesday, I try again in North Haven - Senior Legion State Tournament
Oakville-North Haven winner advances - loser is out