I start another week of HS Broadcasts in Milford with Girls Basketball - West Haven at Jonathan Law . The original game - Cheshire at East Haven was postponed because of a leak from the roof in the gym on the court. That game will be played on Tuesday at 5:00pm.
Coverage Monday begins at 6:55pm on 960AM, 96.9FM & iheartradio. You can also watch the game on the 960WELI Facebook Page.
The Broadcast Schedule this week:
Monday Girls Basketball West Haven at Jonathan Law 6:55pm
Wednesday Boys Basketball Lyman Hall at Guilford 5:55pm
Friday Girls Basketball Amity at West Haven 5:55pm
Saturday Hockey Lyman Hall at Sheehan 7:20pm
Sounds like an exciting week of broadcasts to me - are you PUMPED UP - I certainly hope so.
So join me and my crew Monday night at 6:55pm - Henry Bien-Aime & Brian Goralnik
Blue Devils - Lawmen YOU and ME!
Photo credit to Getty Images