Friday Broadcast: Brookfield- East Haven

Friday night's High School Football Broadcast is an inter-conference battle featuring

Brookfield(SWC) at East Haven(SCC) 6:55pm on ESPNradio1300, & iHeartradio

Plus, you can watch the game on the ESPNradio1300 Facebook Page streaming live.

I'll have scores of other games throughout the night and after the game, I will tell you the Hummel Hot Dog Player of the Game.

Week 2 started on Thursday night with 2 games:

Woodland 54 Wilby 12, Foran 45 Bassick 0

Week 2 - such an important week - some teams will go to 2-0, others will drop to 0-2, and others will go to 1-1. Coaches will find out just how far their team has come between Week 1 and Week 2.

Join me Friday night 6:55pm on ESPNradio1300, & iHeartradio or watch it on the ESPNradio1300 Facebook Page for all the action.

It's time to get PUMPED UP - Friday Night High School Football -

there's nothing better - OH BABY!

Photo credit to Getty Images

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