Girls Softball - North Haven Beats Amity 2-1 in 11 innings

It was a family trip to North Haven on Wednesday to take in Amity and North Haven in Girls Softball. It was yet another extra inning affair.

Alex Ferriouolo singled home the winning run in the bottom of the 11th inning to give the Indians a 2-1 victory over the Spartans. Gigi Russo had the other North Haven rbi. Peyton Davis had 3 hits for North Haven. Lauren Card was the winning pitcher and had 9 strikeouts.

Leia Foyer drove in the Amity run with a single. North Haven is 3-0, Amity 1-1.

Other Softball Scores from Wednesday: Lyman Hall 11 Sheehan 9, Jonathan Law 10 Foran 4, West Haven 7 Guilford 2, Hamden 22 Career 10, Maloney 5 Berlin 4, Hale Ray 5 H-K 4, Hand 6 Mercy 5, Cheshire 8 East Haven 5, St. Joseph 6 Newtown 4

Baseball Scores from Wednesday: West Haven 6 Wilbur Cross 5, North Branford 16 Valley Regional 7, Foran 13 Harding 0, Notre Dame(WH) 11 Hamden 1, Cheshire 12 Shelton 0, Lyman Hall 10 Career 0, Xavier 5 Jonathan Law 2

So far, I've seen nothing but extra innings - is that a sign of what's ahead in the season - we shall see

But we're off to a great start - I'll be out and about taking in games until my next Broadcast - Thursday, April 18th - Oxford at Seymour

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