Well, the decision has been made. The CIAC has decided to play the Fall Sports in the Fall! I applaud their decision. Of course, I talk mainly about Football, the 1 Fall Sport that was recommended to be played in the Spring. The CIAC came out with a Plan - one that basically outlined what the coaches could do week by week right up until opening day. It is a good Plan.
Okay, let's give the Plan a try. Nothing has proved the Plan can't work.
Now I understand this season, or the rest of 2020 for that matter, will be unique. Will it be your typical Fall season - of course not - different kind of scheduling, no State Tournament or Championships. But it does give the student/athletes a chance to play. I think it's important to get the students back in school, and then the sports will follow from there. We should try to get the students back into as much of a normal enviroment as we can.
A shortened season - maxing out to 8 games and on November 15th - okay - so what - it's 2020 and everything is in a different format. Let's give it a go and make it work.
And while I'm at it, how about the Media(of which I am a member) take a more positive spin on this situation. The decision has been made and it's my (our) job to write positive, not negative things . Let's jump into this with a positive outlook - together - and together - we can make this work.
Ah, I can now start working on my Broadcast Schedule for 2020. My Preseason Show will be September 18th.
Again, I give praise to the CIAC - for sticking to their Plan.
Let's all help the CIAC make it work.
Photo credit to Getty Images